
2015, 資訊界和企業界重大轉變, 開放個人 PC 和手機( BYOD~Bring your-own device) 的使用, 但加強軟體和資料的管制

In 2015, we will start to see a widespread shift in organizations where they limit their control over employees’ personal devices to solely the corporate information and data on those devices.

BYOD 的安全解決方案在於個人手機和平板被允許可碰那些照片、APP和email和刷取那些資料。(個人APP太迷人) 

Currently, the majority of BYOD security solutions access everything that is on an employee’s personal cell phone or tablet – including pictures, applications and email – allowing them to completely wipe the device to protect corporate data if needed. ( 

Crucial to the long-term success of BYOD, this shift will bring the ability for an organization’s IT department to solely monitor and control corporate data downloaded onto an employee’s device with no access to personal material on that device.

企業必須找出允許普遍抓取的資料 ( 可能是獨立隔離不能碰的公司機密性資料庫 : 人資、客戶、訂單、研發等等 ); 普遍不影響資安,而又可促進企業效益反而被鼓勵運作。 

With an organization’s access to employees’ personal devices limited to securing and wiping corporate data, BYOD will become increasingly popular.

隨著 Windows 8 企業被攻擊的過程; Windows 10 已找出免於被攻擊的資料保護手法(兩種答案 : 資安欄位管制或另寫程式抓出可以開放資料到開放區)。如果可能就用自動 Mapping 可開放資料到開放區 ; 而資安資料做欄位加密 ~ 可防內賊 ) 

This is a paramount shift that has been demanded by employees. A major indicator of the viability of this market need is demonstrated by the inclusion of enterprise data protection solutions, as in Windows 10.After the Windows 8 debacle, Microsoft has listened to its users and is implementing controls to secure corporate data individually from personal data on a user’s personal device.

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