Click through for 15 Wi-Fi predictions for 2015, as identified by the Wi-Fi Alliance.
1. A Performance Boost for Wi-Fi 業績彈飛
Wi-Fi performance will continue to improve in 2015, with Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ ac becoming mainstream and including advanced features. Looking a bit further ahead,
WiGig® will augment Wi-Fi's networking prowess with an even higher-throughput link to support in-room connectivity and cable replacement.
2. Dual Band Gets Its Due 雙頻的發展方向
In 2015, dual-band Wi-Fi will become ubiquitous. ABI Research predicts that 72 percent of Wi-Fi devices sold this year will operate in both 2.4 and 5 GHz.
Consumers are beginning to take advantage of the increased capacity of dual-band networks as they adopt more demanding applications, like Ultra HD and 4K TV,
and to support a growing number of devices on the home network.
3. New Developer Tools 加強 APP
Application developers will take note: The Wi-Fi industry is constantly enhancing the core technology to make it more useful. One example: Look for broader adoption of recent enhancements to
Wi-Fi Direct that make it easy to develop device-to-device services that interoperate across brands and operating systems.
4. Discovering the World Nearby 拓展 WIFI 對鄰近能力擴展
The newly announced Wi-Fi Aware™ will deliver service discovery before connecting, enabling developers to focus on building the coolest apps for proximity-based services.
5. Passpoint Is Your Passport 用你的密碼擴展通路點
Wi-Fi roaming based on Passpoint, and Wireless Broadband Alliance's NGH initiative, will take off in 2015. Expect to see more roaming relationships emerge among carriers and cities domestically
and across oceans -- enabling you to seamlessly connect on Wi-Fi networks around the world.
6. Cable Providers Continue Investing in Wi-Fi 繞著 WIFI 生意點 纜線業者擴大投資
2014 was a monumental year for cable Wi-Fi deployments, and there is no sign of slowing down in 2015. Cable providers will continue to expand their footprint outside of the home, and to reach
the growing number of gadgets received this holiday season -- in doing so, cable providers will aim to stay ahead of mobile carriers that have been slower to deploy.
7. Mobile Providers Feel the Heat 行動業者感受生意熱度
With rapid cable Wi-Fi deployments in 2014 and continuing into 2015, mobile carriers will feel increasing pressure to expand their own Wi-Fi footprint. Mobile operators will look to Wi-Fi
deployments to provide much-needed data offload and enable inter-provider roaming.
8. Wi-Fi Calling Reaches the Tipping Point 門數快達爆點 ( 當WIFI 公共建設, 例如高鐵和捷運, 到一定規模, 企業的安裝應可騰躍 )
With major product vendors, mobile carriers, and startups announcing their Wi-Fi voice offerings, 2015 is the year Wi-Fi will emerge as a popular connection for mobile phone calls.
9. Consumers Demand Secure Wi-Fi 消費促長 WIFI
With nearly ubiquitous Wi-Fi mobility comes the growing expectation of security and privacy. Consumers now have choices about where to connect, and will expect home and public Wi-Fi providers
to protect their privacy and security.
10. Wi-Fi First Models Keep the Pressure On 所有筆電和手機有 WIFI
Wi-Fi is already most people's default connection to the Internet, and "Wi-Fi First" business models will continue to gain traction, offering Wi-Fi as the primary connection and cellular as
a supplement only when needed. These disruptive models will continue to upend the landscape and garner new subscribers.
11. Wi-Fi Increases Retail's Bottom Line 零售被 WIFI 促長 ( 對少上網的人 : 方便 OO Model)
Retailers will continue to step up their Wi-Fi investments on the realization that in-store connectivity is more than a customer amenity. In-store Wi-Fi bridges the gap between online and bricks-and-mortar, increases customer loyalty and engagement, and serves as a platform for promotions and outreach when customers opt-in. Expect to see more large retail establishments expand their Wi-Fi investments.
12. Take Me Out to the Wi-Fi Game 遊戲前景看好- 對咖啡上網連鎖應該不錯(配合遊戲機房)
In 2015, every Major League Baseball stadium will have Wi-Fi by opening day, and many more National Football League, National Basketball Association, and UK stadiums will follow on the heels of Levi's Stadium and FedExField to deliver high-grade Wi-Fi networks for their fans. Stadiums and other high-traffic venues will deliver Wi-Fi ostensibly as an amenity, but recognizing that a fan with a connection, a camera and a social media presence is the ultimate outbound marketing tool.
13. Fragmentation Gives Way to Collaboration 方便連鎖合作
Competing proprietary solutions, turf battles, and technical differences among IoT(物聯網) consortia will surely continue in 2015, but we will see increasing recognition that industry alignment is key to unlocking the most value from the IoT opportunity. Not only will industry move toward a common language for IoT communications, Wi-Fi will emerge as essential to the IoT because of Wi-Fi's ubiquity, user affinity, and legacy of interoperability.
14. Wi-Fi Leads in Smart Home, Industrial IoT, and Connected Car 有助物聯網相關成長
Already ubiquitous in homes and enterprises, Wi-Fi networks will connect a wider range of devices to make homes and businesses more automated, efficient, and comfortable. At home, more appliances, security cameras, and energy devices will connect over Wi-Fi, and cars will connect both at home and on the go for entertainment, maintenance, and safety. Meanwhile, expect advances in enterprises around building and factory automation, leveraging existing Wi-Fi infrastructure.
15. Core Wi-Fi Technology Will Keep Pace ( Wi-Fi 相關核心技術持續跟著需求趨動同步成長; 由於 LTD 月費太貴; 企業共同承擔是不錯社區模式 )
Innovation in Wi-Fi technology will continue to push the boundaries of Wi-Fi power efficiency, range, and performance, while preserving long-lived interoperability and strong security that has made Wi-Fi the success it is today.