What it’s like to be 100 years old, in 10 charts

Source: U.S. Census

Source: U.S. Census

A big chunk of centenarians (43 percent) never finished high school. A plurality of Baby Boomers (34 percent) did.
大量百年人瑞 (43 %) 沒完成高中學歷; 多數是戰爭嬰兒潮時期時代的人 ( 34 %)。


Source: U.S. Census

Source: U.S. Census

The health insurance company United Healthcare recently surveyed 104 centenarians (and 302 Boomers ages 65 and older) to probe a little more deeply.  The small sample of 100-year-0lds is less than ideal, but there’s some interesting info here.

For example, only 3 percent said they were lonely, sad or burdened. 一份保險統計源自 104 位百歲人瑞僅 3% 人表示孤單, 悲傷或給人負擔

sadThey remember their 30s most fondly … 普遍最回味 30 歲時期的事.  ( 或說 1930左右年代 )

Source: United Healthcare

Source: United Healthcare 

                                        Feel like they’re only 83 … 她們最覺得自己好像是約 83 歲 !

Would most like to have dinner with President Obama. ( Boomers name Betty White !?!) …

Source: United Healthcare

Source: United Healthcare

And, remarkably, don’t have daily caregivers.  53 % 的人沒日常看護 !


Update: A 2012 Census report says that 35.2 percent of women centenarians and 18.2 percent of men live in nursing homes. 

ㄧ份 2012 年人口統計月報,   35.2 %  女性人瑞和 18.2 %  男性人瑞住在看護之家

They’ve heard of Facebook and Twitter, but not Pinterest:


Feel they’ve accomplished what they wanted to.  只有 22% 的人覺得仍有未了事;  53% 表示諸是已了 !

Source United Healthcare

Source: United Healthcare

And attribute their longevity to staying close to family and friends:  她們長壽主要靠親友和朋友 !




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I was very happy as a young man,,,,,right up to the day I got married.
The dinner question ... every single one liberal, if not downright socialist. Why not include at least ONE conservative celebrity or politician? This shows a serious bias among those who created and sanctioned the survey.
2:43 AM GMT+0800
No, there's really a different reason -- not bias. But maybe you are clueless.
WAC to,WAC.Congratulatis and thank her for her service. I am an 88 year old WAC veteran. Not many of us left.
I am not very old but i will always love the 80s the best(and that 99.cent gas)
12:14 AM GMT+0800
I'm not old at all (58) and remember paying just 24.9 cents for gas my Ford Pinto when I was in high school in '71 and '72. I could go a month on $1's worth!
Sure paints a rosy picture. The crying my 96 year old grandmother does over dead friends, bad health and loss of independence isn't represented here at all. Wonder why. Oh, I know...maybe because this generation doesn't complain to strangers? Maybe...
7:10 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
The report didn’t say how they conducted their sample. If they did a survey in Senior Centers I’d think the results might differ considerably if they canvassed nursing homes instead. I once had an elderly gentleman in a hospital bed next mine. I don’t know his exact age but he was old enough that the reason he was in the hospital was for surgery to have the lifetime battery of his implanted pacemaker replaced! Every day I heard him pray to the Lord to let him die already.
Longevity: diet..exercise..community..rest..and a good doctor. I am 85...so I am close. My best years were the 60's...The kids left...my health was good...my income reasonable..and I had the time to travel the world.
Longevity is great until one gets Alzheimers or dementia. Quality of life at any age is about good health, both mental and physical.
5/7/2014 8:37 AM GMT+0800
My Mom's got severe dementia at 86, and has lived with it for several years. She's in assisted living and her quality of life is great! She eats well, plays with her iPad, and is very happy. She only stresses momentarily about how "her memory is not so good anymore" - but quickly forgets that and returns to her child-like happiness. Sometimes the victims are not the ones you'd think. I'd give anything to have "Mom" back, but I'm not sure it would actually be for her... or for me.
5/7/2014 11:15 AM GMT+0800
Get it checked. Lots of things can cause dementia-like behaviour, including drugs given for other purposes.  
My mother was old-lady crazy until we weaned her off sleeping pills and she returned to lucidity.
5/7/2014 11:18 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
Also, if you're an employee at a for-profit elderly care facility, are you praised for spending time helping clients become more alert, or for finding ways to keep them more (cost) controlled?
When I was 57, a doctor told me that I eventually would need a nursing home ... because I was so healthy! Apparently his thinking was that other people (those less healthy), die off before they ever need nursing care. I didn't know whether that was good news, or not.
純老死,  大部分只四肢有弱化, 五臟好;  越老越沒力者越需人照顧 !
Strange question. 
You have to read me to understand. 
Just sayin'. 
Tomas Gomez
Lucy Coffey, the oldest living female veteran of WW II, is due to celebrate her 108th birthday next week. Way to go, Lucy !!!!
happy to be here,hope too go 73 years more .the next 20 years will tell me how long it will be worth it. thanks for asking!!
WB Smith
Regarding the 'dinner with' question it seems weighted towards current celebrities. It would be interesting to see the results generated from a list of people well known over the life of the centenarians instead of just the current celebrity de jour list. (Yes, I know many of them are dead but the whole 'would you want to have dinner with the pope's hairdresser' question is hypothetical isn't it?) 
How about this list: 
Churchill, Eddie Cantor, Ish Kabbible, Einstein, Garbo, Roosevelt (Mr. and/or Mrs.), Charles Lindbergh, Mae West, Nixon, George Orwell, Irwin Rommel, Jessie Owens, Frank Sinatra, Juan Manual Fangio, Woody Guthrie, Neil Armstrong, Robert Oppenheimer, Cab Calloway, Edmond Hillary, Groucho Marx
5/7/2014 11:22 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
It would have been interesting, But I guess that part of the survey was mainly about getting the study more play in info-tainment media.  
The research may have once been as pure as the driven snow, as Mae West once said about herself. But then, like her, it drifted.
12:30 AM GMT+0800
I commented on this separately. All the choices are extreme liberals or downright socialists. The list needs to be more balanced with some conservative celebrities and politicians.
2:53 AM GMT+0800
anti-Semite Lindberg, Nixon, Desert Fox Rommel, Neil Armstrong -- "extreme liberals or downright socialists"? Put down your swastika armband for a moment and think about it.
I wonder if the Centenarians' preference for their 30s is due to that being the immediate post-WWII boom, rather than the depression and war that was their 20s?
7:18 AM GMT+0800
I’ve got some 20 years to go till I’m a centenarian but I also remember my 30’s as my favorite years.
Johnny Oldfield
the 4% of centenarians who say that maintaining their sex lives as important...hmm. Am very curious about that. I had always hoped and prayed that when the body begins to fail and shut down and prevent one from having a fantastical sex life, that corresponding area(sex/desire/lust) of the brain would also, mercifully shut down and off for good. So that IT is never again on ones mind. please be true
5/7/2014 7:55 AM GMT+0800
You'd be surprised at what goes on in a "Retirement" home!
7:23 AM GMT+0800
Sorry to say, not true. Desire may not be as strong but it still exists, even if the plumbing isn’t as cooperative. Can be frustrating!

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